Microcosmographia of Leadership and Management
My friend and mentor Bruce Barraclough gave me a book many
years ago (he must have decided I needed help) titled Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun.(1)
It offers such gems as:
‘Never allow your Huns
too many idle moments. These give rise to the beginnings of discontent’
‘A Hun who takes
himself too seriously has lost his perspective’
‘A King with
chieftains who always agree with him reaps the counsel of mediocrity’
And if one is looking for the perennial verita of leadership
and management it is hard
to go past Cornford’s 1908 booklet: Microcosmographia
Academica. I still use it when invited to speak on leadership and
management. How can you argue with:
‘You think you have
only to state a reasonable case and people must listen to reason and act upon
it at once. It is just this conviction that makes you so unpleasant’. ‘If you
want to move (people) you must address your arguments to prejudice and
political motive’.
And in a similar vein:
‘I like you better for
your illusions; but it cannot be denied that they prevent you from being
Then, by way of reminding us of the uselessness of endless
prevarication and procrastination in committee Cornford asks us:
‘….has it ever
occurred to you that nothing is ever done until everyone is convinced that it
ought to be done (and by then)…it is …time to do something else’.
by Bowes & Bowes Publishers Ltd, Cambridge
published 1908
If you are young, do not
read this book; it is not fit for you;
If you are old, throw it away; you have nothing to learn from it; If you are unambitious, light the fire with it; you do not need its guidance.
But, if you are neither
less than twenty-five years old, nor more than thirty;
And if you are ambitious withal, and your spirit hankers after academic politics; Read, and may your soul (if you have a soul) find mercy! |
In management we talk a lot about principles and we talk about them as if they are good things. Cornford does not think so:
‘A principle is a rule of inaction, which states a valid general reason for not doing in any particular case what, to unprincipled instinct, would appear to be right’.
‘A principle is a rule of inaction, which states a valid general reason for not doing in any particular case what, to unprincipled instinct, would appear to be right’.
It may appear from what Wess Roberts and R M Cornford say in
Attila and Mirocos that they do not have any time for leaders and managers and
you might think that in choosing to quote them,- neither do I. This could not
be further from the truth. Sarcasm and even, in the case of Cornford,
occasional scorn invite us to consider what might be the opposite of what is in
the writer’s sights. Read these books through and you find yourself
understanding how to be effective in your organisational role – and whether we
like it or not most of us have at least one organisational role.
People refer to ‘leadership qualities’ more than they talk
about ‘management qualities’ and people refer to ‘management abilities’ more
than they talk about ‘leadership abilities’. But each is used in both contexts.
Many people believe that leadership cannot be taught and it is generally
accepted that management can be. There are countless MBAs around but I have
never seen a Master of Leadership….Master of Leadership?what?. and therein lies
a clue. Master of Leadership Administration? I don’t think so…Master of
Business Leadership..hmmmmm maybe.
In any case both quality leadership and quality management
are essential if an organisation is to succeed and it is therefore imperative
that we try to help people to become better at leading and managing. And we
can. Even if in the more complicated case of leadership, if all we do (and
there is doubtless more we can do) is to identify and understand the qualities
and attributes of successful leaders and try and emulate them, improvement
should follow.
The ISQua Fellowship is a professional development programme
for professionals engaged in or interested in healthcare.
Effective leadership and quality management is essential to
the delivery of high quality healthcare. We are about to introduce e modules into
our Fellowship Programme in generic leadership and management and you might be
interested in what we plan to offer. These will be available from 2014 so let
us have your thoughts on what we might include.
There will not be too much of Attila or Microcosmographia
– but there will be some – such as these, my favourites from Cornford:
‘The more rules you
can invent the less need there will be to waste time puzzling about right and
‘There is only one
argument for doing something; the rest are arguments for doing nothing’.